Police condemn killings

Albert Beli

POLICE in East Sepik reported three murders in Munji village, Yangoru-Saussia on Wednesday.
According to provincial police commander Supt Albert Beli, a suspect from Kararau village, Angoram, entered a house at Munji on Wednesday night and allegedly killed a local man and his mother-in-law.
He condemned the killings saying people no longer respected human lives.
Police said the victims were sleeping in their rooms when they were stabbed with a knife.
The deceased were identified as Kerobim Fehinguma and Margaret Wukaha from Munji.
Police said the suspect broke into their rooms and carried out the killings.
Fehinguma’s wife managed to escape the attack with their three-year-old daughter that night.
Supt Beli said the suspect was killed in retaliation.
Police are gathering more information on the matter.