Police officer saves woman from rascals


QUICK intervention by a senior police officer in Port Moresby’s Gerehu suburb yesterday saved a woman and her vehicle from armed criminals.
National Capital District and Central commander ACP Sylvester Kalaut told The National that four armed men held up the woman in her grey CRV vehicle at Gerehu Stage 2 junction at around 7am as she was giving way to passing traffic at a busy bus stop.
“I was returning from my visit to the new police barracks at Gerehu that would be used to relocate policemen and women from the existing one to pave way for road construction,” Kalaut said.
“The boys were fully armed and held up the car and straight on the spot I was driving back from Gerehu and caught them.
“The gang members were fully armed so I fired two warning shots and they fled in all directions and two suspects were wounded and a homemade pistol was retrieved.”
Kalaut said police arrested one suspect when he was trying to bring his wounded friend to Gerehu General Hospital.
“He is in custody now and the wounded gang member is admitted at the Port Moresby General Hospital.
“Police will question him and charge him for armed hold up.”
Two of the suspects are still on the run.
“The driver was held up when trying to give way on the intersection so this is the trend.
“Drivers must lock their doors and wind up all windows for safety when at intersections. Luckily I arrived at the scene,” Kalaut said.