Political crisis will lead to chaos


THE recent political upheavals in this short pace of time will be recorded in our history as a “noble cornerstone of moulding young generation of fearless leaders”.
Marape’s government has broke the record by passing some important bills that would secure our future from corporate and multilateral organisations and greed, corrupted members of parliament and public servants. Most of our leaders have been “red-flagged” while others have their dubious issues washed under the carpet without being properly dealt with.
Others have had their issues silenced by cronies in bureaucracy.
Papua New Guineans are tired of the continuous prolonged political instability, corruption and after lies.
There are patriotic Papua New Guineans grooming across this nation and will one day restore this nation by eliminating the greed, selfishness and corruption that have established its root in the government and bureaucracy.
Gone are the days where media and information is limited to people.
People now have access and knowledge of government officials and members of parliament conducts at their fingertips.
Political and civil uprising is deemed imminent should this political atmosphere continues on in the next decade or so.
If the Westminster system is not working for us after 45years of Independence, get rid of it and establish a federal government system.
If we keep on going with this tradition, something bad is going to happen.

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