Poverty still affecting us


MAJORITY of Papua New Guineans are living below the international poverty line.
Poverty line as defined by Investopedia is a monetary threshold under which an individual is considered to be living in poverty.
The current threshold and measurement was adjusted in 2015 and was used to calculate the poverty line internationally which stands at US$1.90 (K6.65) per day.
Previously the poverty threshold was at US$1 per day but was changed due to inflation.
Many economist and social scientists have argued about the application of the poverty line.
Individual countries have their own set of standards in which to measure and equate poverty line.
Every countries are using different measures depending on how they view the standards of living.
Necessities such as food, shelter, water, sanitation, clothes and others are equated into monetary terms.
The international poverty pine is the global threshold which is set by the World Bank as a standard benchmark worldwide.
From calculations, individuals in households in PNG should have more than at least K10 per day to be considered living above the poverty line.
An average nuclear PNG family living in our urban centers have about six individuals in a home.
Many families are cramped into small houses with only one person to provide for the whole family.

Maru Igabi