Programme in capital aims to plant a million trees

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NATIONAL Capital District (NCD) Governor Powes Parkop in partnership with Active City Development programme’s power walk (ACDP-PW) and Port Moresby Nature Park are progressing towards planting 50,000 trees.
Parkop said his team were on target to plant 50,000 trees in three months, by June 5, to mark World Environment Day.
Their bigger target is planting a million trees around the city by the end of this year.
Parkop with partners planted more than 100 trees yesterday along the Baruni Back Road and will continue all the way to the Port Moresby Technical College.
The purpose is two-fold – to beautify Port Moresby and campaign against global warming.
He said the trees would be taken care of by ACDP-PW members as each member would be allocated a number of trees to look after.
“The tree-planting initiative will involve other stakeholders and institutions such as schools, the Ministry of Forestry, churches and business houses with support from PNG Gardener.”
Co-founder and director of a tree-planting global, NGO Cities for Forests, Scott Francisco said he was proud of Port Moresby as its newest member and was committed to supporting it with funds for city’s reforestation work.
“PNG has so much to offer to the world and we look forward to building partnerships between our people, forests and cities worldwide,” Francisco said.