Review minimum wage act


WE need money to survive every single day.
Just imagine, if a person who normally works eight hours on weekdays only and you multiply it by K3.50, it will be equal to K40 per day, multiply that by 10 days which equal to K400.
Before you say anything, think about the expenses – rental homes (if you don’t have a house); putting food on the table that will last a fortnight; bus fare to work every day; children’s lunch money to school every day and the list goes on.
I am appealing to the Department of Labour and Industrial Relations under the current Marape/Steven government that if you really want to ‘Take Back PNG’, one strategy is to review the Minimum Wage Act and set it at a specific rate that will not only benefit me but the silent majority of hard-working Papua New Guineans throughout the country.

Silent Majority,
Morata 1


  • Indeed, everything here in the city is very expensive and we cant cater for everyday expense with these low rates.

  • The minimum wage rate in png is very low compared to the increasing living hardships that all the pngians who are being paid K500 and below. I suggest the department of labour and industrial relations must practically carry out a survey from smaller businesses like shop employees up to see how much they get paid after the tax and increase the net pay up to K500 or K600 . It’s not fair for some to enjoy good pay package while some of us struggle to live a life in this world. At the end of the day, God had created us equal so the decision making and distribution of all government sevices must be fair regardless of our positions or titles.

    Concern citizen

  • The economy is broke.
    Tax is robing businesses.
    Greedy Asians getting away with all the wrong things
    Blame the politicians.

  • This answer to this question should summarize my comment: “What happens to Living Standard when minimum wage is increased?

    Thank you.
    #simple strategy to help take back PNG…?

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