Sir Bob welcomes Cuban ambassador, assures him support

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GOVERNOR-General Sir Bob Dadae welcomed the Cuban ambassador, Carlos Manuel Rajas Lago, yesterday.
Sir Bob said Papua New Guinea and Cuba had maintained cordial relations since the formalisation of relations in 1989.
He said both countries faced similar challenges such as climate change and other social development issues which could be addressed through the South-South Cooperation (term historically used by policymakers and academics to describe the exchange of resources, technology, and knowledge between developing countries, also known as countries of the Global South)
He assured the ambassador that the necessary support and assistance he may require during his tour of duty would be accorded to him by the Government.
He said this was in an effort to advance relations for the mutual benefit of both countries and people.
Lago said as small developing states faced with similar challenges, “we should be able to solve all those challenges on the basis of well-being of our people and in line with the interest of the South-South Cooperation”.
He thanked the people and Government of Papua New Guinea for the valuable support that was “given to my country every year in our struggle to ending the Unites States Blockade against Cuba”.