That’s my daughter


ALEX Liake traditionally received his daughter from his wife’s tribe in a ritual which is part of a marriage ceremony.
Wife Listy Umba formally presented to him their daughter in the ceremonyon on Saturday at Ku village in Sinasina-Yongumugl district of Chimbu.
Apart from receiving his daughter, the wife’s relatives, as part of the ceremony, also presented raw and cooked food, pigs, goats and chicken.
They also dressed the girl in her finest traditional attire.
The wife’s relatives and parents, from the Eku clan of Yongumugl tribe, gave three pigs, five goats, and food to Liake’s relatives from Guglbuku clan also of the Youngumugl tribe.
Liake’s tribe will pay a bride price of K15,000, 12 live pigs and ten goats by June next year.
His clansmen accepted the bride price and thanked the wife’s relatives for spending money, time and effort to prepare food for them.
The payment of the bride price is the second phase of the marriage ceremony.
Liake is a policeman at Goroka Police Station where he lives with his family.