Thugs injure two women

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A FEMALE engineer was injured when a group of thugs fired at a vehicle she and other employees of the National Information and Communication Technology Authority were travelling in, police say.
Jiwaka police commander Chief Superintendent Gedion Kauke told The National that police were investigating the incident which happened in the early hours of Sunday, June 21, near the Waghi bridge in Kudjip.
Injured was Molina Kapal, a principal engineer with the authority who was among those travelling home after attending a meeting.
She was hit on the face by a pellet.
Another female employee was also injured.
Kauke said the men opened fire at the vehicle as they drove past.
Kapal’s relative Junior Aipe said they did not know the motive behind the attack nor where the thugs were from.
“Molina was doing her job, yet she was (shot),” he said.
Minister for Information and Communications Technology Timothy Masiu was concerned about the attack.
He said the authority staff were in Jiwaka to conduct capacity building and awareness on e-agriculture.
He said ICT services and infrastructure needed to be protected and respected. Masiu said the authority was doing all it could to ensure assistance and support were given to the employees.
Kapal was medically evacuated from Mt Hagen to Port Moresby last Wednesday.


  • This is a development issue. Meaning such mentality cannot take us far, if we keep on harming and attacking essential government staffs and Human resources in our Country. At the end of the day who such from accessing essential services. It is us the poor people at the rural settings who will suffer the most. Its good take ownership and respect people.

    Police must investigate it to serve justice

  • Just grab hold of the thugs and put them behind bars. Jiwaka is not a big province. Waghi bridge is not a remote, isolated place. There are a hell lot people with mobile phones either walking, marketing, travelling in vehicles or even sitting around between Kudjip and Banz.
    Investigation should not be difficult for this case. Police, family members, relatives and friends can all involve in this investigation. Some body or some people already know the culprits. Should provide the information and assist police to arrest such sick minded people of society.

  • Its about Jiwaka again. Jiwaka free country JFC to criminal herb. Please sick and tired of those.

  • Good citizens are tired of sick animals. We must cooperate to report any illegal and criminal offences created in our community. These sick animals will ruine and the inocents will suffer from services.

    I agree with Kopun Kuir that Waghi bridge is not isolated. At least one member of the community will witness that incident. Investigation is required by all parties especially the surrounding community.

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