Use Unggai-Bena’s intellects


This is in response to Akoe’s letter ‘Bena needs better planning’ on Wednesday.
You mentioned a valid point but you fail to realise that Benny Allan is not the MP for Bena, rather, Unggai-Bena.
There is no Bena district.
There is also no need to send students, at extra expense, to specialised schools.
We have a surplus of Unggai and Bena intellectuals who graduated from University of Technology (only university in South Pacific that provides food technology programme) who are currently managing large food and beverage factories in the country and abroad.
Moreover, 10 years is too long.
Politics comes every five years and a K100 million seed capital is too much.
I would propose:

  • Engage those Unggai-Bena graduates already in the work force;
  • Collect their views and utilise their experiences; and
  • Do a feasibility study for a beverage factory and set up a factory.

Yomba – Masumave
Food Technologist