Vote for parties and strong leadership


PAPUA New Guineans should vote for political parties and strong leadership along policy lines and not political party lines if we are to change this nation.
For many years, our people have been following political parties but these parties have been isolating themselves from the voters and using the party names and people for leaders’ self interests and gains over the last 46 years.
We need to change this now.
There are so many registered political parties in the country today.
The two political parties that stood strong for this country since independence are Pangu Pati, which was initially led by the late Grand Chief Sir Michael Thomas Somare and People’s Progress Party, which was led by New Ireland Governor Sir Julius Chan.
When one takes a closer look at PNG’s political history, our founding fathers led by late Sir Michael are all gone except Sir Julius.
These two political parties fought for PNG’s political independence and are now pushing for economic independence.
PNG gained political independence 46 year ago but our nation is still suffering year in year out.
We need a party that will bail us out.

Samson C Napo