Wapenamanda is in capable hands

Letters, Normal

The National, Wednesday February 11th, 2015

 I WOULD like to comment on the Wapenamanda district affairs.  

MP Rmbink Pato was slow off the blocks, but his blueprint for the district appears to be in motion now. 

I need to mention a few projects that the Wapenamanda district development authority which Pato chairs, is rolling out. 

The Wapenamanda town road upgrade and sealing, the Tsak trunk road upgrade and sealing, replacement of arterial, yet vital bridges within Tsak, the lower and upper areas, including the commissioning of the Tsak mini-hydro, St Paul’s High e-library and the border police station are just some of the projects worth mentioning. 

The important sectors like health, education and law and order are being restored, slowly, but steadily. 

I am sure the upgrade and sealing of Lower Lai Sambe-Akom trunk road and the Pokari feeder road connecting the highway are next on his list. 

When the next election cycle kicks in, I believe Wapenamanda will be different. From my point of view, Wapenamanda is genuinely transforming in Pato’s tenure. 

I admire the way our development authority is restoring Wapenamanda in positioning it to become the place it ought to be and to promote the promise it always had. 


Robert S Minak, Via email