Water PNG board suspends senior officials


WATER PNG chief executive officer Raka Taviri Jnr, who is also the acting managing director of Eda Ranu, has been suspended with a senior officer pending investigation into allegations against them.
Minister for State Enterprises Sasindran Muthuvel told The National that the Eda Ranu board had suspended Taviri and general manager finance Arava Ravu.
He has received a letter confirming that from the board of Eda Ranu.
Muthuvel did not disclose what the allegations were but said an audit company would be engaged to carry out a forensic audit on the allegations.
“These are allegations for now and both officers have been suspended based on them,” Muthuvel said.
It is understood that Water PNG board member Ako Toua is acting in Taviri’s position in the meantime.
Taviri was appointed by the National Executive Council as Water PNG CEO and later as acting managing director for Eda Ranu as both entities were in the process of being merged.

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