Where do development funds go to?


IT is easy to blame the current court battle between the Goroka MP and a losing candidate on the poor state of affairs of the district.
The fact that development funds continued to be given by the government and Goroka district administration continue to operate, the court battle excuse holds no water.
So then, what could be holding back progress?
The road networks to Kotuni, Ufeto, Lapegu, Kabizufa, Notofona, Meriaka and Kaveve have been in dire straits for more than one can remember.
The people in those places supply garden produce for the entire urban population on a 365 day cycle thus under-scoring road as a significant infrastructure.
What beggars understanding is the fact that the district has graders, tipper trucks and rollers (equipment) in working condition stationed at the works department office begging utilisation.
Half-hearted attempts to fix these roads are well noted by the people who are already fed-up with empty promises.
The District Development Authority implementing mechanism within the district administration have to wake up from their slumber and start to PERFORM like the educated people they tend to present in public.
The current state of affairs in the district speaks volumes about the mechanisms in-efficiencies given it has been in existence under many parliamentary leaderships entrusted with millions of kina for development in this district. What a shame!

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One thought on “Where do development funds go to?

  • PAC looking into all the governments Departments, starting with Department of Health, into Education all down the line, all good so far, we admire you Sir John Pundari, Sam Koima, & the team, once this is completed, please look int all the provincial Administrators, sweep all these unrighteousness, put in God fearing men & women these positions once & for all, so we can take back Papua New Guinea………

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