A few months ago Eyewitness ran a photo of the pond at Boram Airport in Wewak, East Sepik, covered in overgrown shrubs. That was then. Now the pond has been […]

relief supplies

The National Government and corporate entities’ swift response to help victims of the earthquake deserves applause. However, there are issues that need to be properly considered instead of relieving people […]

Earthquake in PNG

IT is a frustrating sight to witness our bureaucracy and politicians waking up from their long-inherited slumber – where it’s obvious they never thought such an earthquake would happen. What […]

Govt and ABG

THE Government has failed to work with the Autonomous Bougainville Government to implement most of the resolutions agreed to in many previous joint supervisory board (JSB) meetings. First, the Government […]

Thank you Israel

ON behalf of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem Papua New Guinea and our global network, we would like to acknowledge Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for donating 40 generators to […]